【单选题】She has always had a ________ personality; she is always prepared and ready to do battle when she believes that the cause is right.
A. mild
B. military
C. militant
D. minute
【单选题】News stories________: Morning paper headlines take account of the previous evening's radio and TV stories, and the electronic media pick up items from the daily press.
A. upload
B. overlap
C. download
D. overlook
【单选题】Lucy stretched up to kiss her dad’s cheek lightly, and he patted his daughter as if he was________ an honor to her.
A. referring
B. suffering
C. preferring
D. conferring
【单选题】Inspired by Martin Luther King's famous speech, “I Have a Dream”, thousands of people went out onto the streets to support the civil rights movement in ________of the curfew.
A. finance
B. charge
C. defiance
D. honor
【单选题】Beth was________ about visiting his ex-boyfriend; she worried that he might refuse to talk to her.
A. hesitant
B. crazy
C. positive
D. hesitate