
If you like to appear in the background on TV,what’s your possible personality?

A. a bit of show-off
B. patient
C. creative


If you like to fish, what's your possible personality?

A. talktive
B. creative
C. patient and focus

请各位预习第5章第1节,从网上搜索家乡素材并下载(按照广东潮汕 素材)

有如下结构体说明,以下叙述中错误的是( )。struct stu {int a; float b;} stutype;

A. a和b都是结构体成员名
B. struct是结构体类型的关键字
C. stutype是用户定义的结构体类型名
D. struct stu是用户定义的结构体类型

以下( )定义不会分配实际的存储空间。

A. struct STUDENT {char name[10] ;int age ;} ;
B. struct STUDENT {char name[10] ;int age ;} student ;
C. struct STUDENT {char name[10] ;int age ;} ;struct STUDENT student;
D. struct {char name[10] ;int age ;} student ;
