
当耳片充分展开、边缘内卷、腹面略有白色孢子时,标志木耳已经 ,要及时采收。


Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.( item, stain,toss, slip, ponder, residence, stressful,stuff)1. Consequently, before going into any_________ situation, focus only on what you want to do.2.Few of us can fill up the tank without buying a few snacks, cigarettes, soft drinks orother______we can live without.3.As the plane was________ up and down, the pilot tried to stabilize it.4. “I was starting to feel like my whole world was falling apart – kind of _____into a depression," said Carla.5.They had entered the country and had applied for permanent _______.6. We can______over the ways and means for raising funds before the construction work starts.7. He______ the newspapers into s litter bin and headed down the street.8. It will remain an indelible (不可磨灭的)______ on his memory.

对《偶成》这首诗的赏析,不恰当的一项是( )

A. 诗歌通过抒写“如果生命的春天重到”的“梦”,表达了诗人对光明未来的深情呼唤和抗战胜利的坚定信念。
B. 第一节中“古旧的凝冰”喻指中华民族因历史悠久和专制暴政而被冰结、窒息的生命力。
C. 诗歌第一节写想象中的美好情境,第二节再给出其中道理,这种结构使传达的信念更富说服力和感染力。
D. 诗歌多次出现“重到”“再看见”“再听见”“重开”等字眼,隐含着生命循环的悲观意味。


A. 春天重到
B. 凝冰解冻
C. 迢遥的梦
D. 花儿重开


A. 如果生命的春天重到
B. 这些好东西都决不会消失
C. 一切好东西都永远存在
D. 古旧的凝冰都哗哗的解冻
