患者,男性,40岁。无明显诱因出现水肿,血压21/12 kP(158/90 mmHg),尿蛋白(),24小时尿蛋白定量3.5 g,血清白蛋白<30 g/L,以原发性肾病综合征收住院。
A. 正常人量的优质蛋白
B. 少吃动物油,多吃植物油和鱼油
C. 充足维生素和微量元素
D. 每日总热量<126~147 kJ(30~35 kcal)/kg
E. 每日钠盐摄入<3 g
Which of the following statements is true, according to the text?
A. The lyrics of a song are no different from the lyrics of poetry.
B. Song lyrics and poetry must be treated analytically as the same.
C. The differences between poetry and song lyrics have been overstated.
D. It is the time not the aesthetics that is different in most poems and song lyrics.
A blueprint made before inviting a friend to dinner is used in this passage as______.
A. an illustration of how to write an application for a job
B. an indication of how to secure a good job
C. a guideline for job description
D. a principle for job evaluation
A. 20~25℃
B. 25~280℃
C. 28~30℃
D. 35~37℃
E. 38~40℃
A. 吗啡
B. 泻药
C. 止泻药
D. 祛痰药
E. 肾上腺糖皮质激素