Even in the t960s, women were seldom on the jury list in some states because_______ .()
[A] they were automatically banned by state laws
[B] they fell far short of the required qualifications
[C] they were supposed to perform. domestic duties
[D] they tended to evade public engagement
男性膀胱颈相接的是 ()
A. 精囊
B. 尿生殖膈
C. 输精管
D. 前列腺
E. 尿延膜部
对视杆细胞的叙述,下列选项错误的是 ()
A. 其感色素为视紫红质
B. 无色觉
C. 具有暗光觉功能
D. 能分辨颜色
E. 视紫红质由视蛋白和视黄醛组成
眼睑下垂的损伤神经是 ()
A. 面神经
B. 展神经
C. 动眼神经
D. 滑车神经
E. 三叉神经