A customer is debating whether to use Shared Ethernet versus Virtual Ethernet. Which of the following best describes a key difference between Shared and Virtual Ethernet?()
A. Shared Ethernet runs on POWER4 systems
B. Virtual Ethernet runs on POWER4 systems
C. Shared Ethernet requires a Virtual I/O server and Advanced Power Virtualization
D. Virtual Ethernet requires a Virtual I/O server and Advanced Power Virtualizatio
A. 冷发射
B. 一热发射
C. 场发射
A. 1008个2M
B. 504个2M
C. 252个2M
D. 63个2M
A. 尺泽、阴陵泉
B. 承山、手三里
C. 阳陵泉、后溪
D. 手三里、阳陵泉
E. 曲池、阳陵泉