

A. 实物量具
B. 测量设备
C. 测量系统
D. 测量仪器



A. 连续鸣喇叭加速超越
B. 加速继续超越
C. 停止继续超车
D. 紧跟其后,伺机再超


A. 制定武装押运安全预案要采取专用术语和规定称号
B. 应当便于执行、有可操作性
C. 如情况发生变化时,要立即自行修订并实施
D. 制订的安全预案必须报公司审批后实施


The biggest problem of the third industrial revolution is as easy to explain as it is difficult to solve. Technology is creating a global economy that is rapidly supplanting our old national economies. National governments cannot control this new economy, yet no one, least of all Americans, wants to create the form. of global government that might be able to control it. As a result we were going to be living in a fundamentally unmanaged economic system. The difficulties of containing the 1997 Asian economic meltdown are just the first of many such difficulties we can expect.
National governments, which used to worry about managing and maintaining their economic systems, are slowly being pushed out of business. Changes in global finance overwhelm all but the largest governments. Governments have lost much of their influence over the movement of information and capital. They cannot control who crosses their borders either physically or culturally.
Conversely, the power of global businesses is growing with companies&39; ability to move to the most advantageous locations and play countries off against one another in bidding for attractive investment projects.
