患者32岁。"慢性盆腔炎"病史3年,反复发作,此次因阴道分泌物增多1个月,高热伴下腹痛3天入院。检查:体温39℃,心率100次/分,心肺无异常,腹肌紧张,压痛,反跳痛。妇科检查:阴道少量脓性分泌物,宫颈充血,可见少量脓性分泌物自宫颈口流出,举痛明显,子宫后位,正常大小,左侧可及一5cm×6cm×6cm大小的囊性包块,边界不清,活动受限,压痛明显。尿HCG阴性,血常规:白细胞15×10 9/L,血红蛋白13g/L,中性粒细胞90%.,淋巴细胞10%.。
A. 异位妊娠
B. 慢性盆腔炎急性发作
C. 卵巢癌
D. 卵巢囊肿
E. 子宫内膜异位症
A. 正确
B. 错误
What does it mean for a student to ask questions in class in many countries except America?
A. It may mean that the teacher is a good teacher.
B. It may mean that the student is thoughtful.
C. It may mean that the student is uninformed and that he is implying that the teacher has been unclear.
D. It may mean that the student considers the teacher to be ineffective.