()of this deratting exemption certificate is hereby extended until 4th 0ct.1988 as the vessel is laden with cargo.
A. Validity
B. Valid
C. Validation
D. The coming into force
A. 九层及九层以下的居住建筑(包括设置商业服务网点的居住建筑)和建筑高度小于等于24m的公筑
B. 单层主体建筑高度超过24m的体育馆、会堂、剧院等公共建筑
C. 单层、多层和高层工业建筑
D. 地下民用建筑
E. 人民防空工程
Which vessel may show three lights in a vertical line,the top and bottom being red and the middle being white? ()
A vessel engaged in diving operations
B. A pilot vessel
C. A vessel trawling
D. All of the above