We get the impression that the author seems to be ______. Hardy's impulses as a writer.
A. amazed at
B. critical of
C. fed up with
D. interested in
A. 风池、内关、曲池、足三里
B. 风池、内关、合谷、三阴交
C. 风池、内关、肝俞、行间
D. 风池、内关、神门、三阴交
E. 风池、内关、中脘、丰隆
Charlotte Bronte's masterpiece is ______.
A. Jane Eyre
B. Wuthering Heights
C. Tess of d'Urbervilles
D. Agnes Grey
The author's attitude towards changes in the financial aid to higher education by government is __________.
A. positive
B. indifferent
C. critical
D. neutral
A. 足厥阴、足少阳
B. 手阳明、足厥阴
C. 手阳明、手太阴
D. 手阳明、足太阳
E. 手太阴、足厥阴