In the author's opinion, young people can learn a lot during the days they spend "hostelling" because ______.
A. they meet a lot of people from different places
B. they have such useful classes in the hostel as they don't have in schools
C. they have more interesting activities than at school
D. they are very much interested in life in the hostel
起病急骤,红斑迅速弥漫全身,尼氏征阳性的药疹为:( )
A. 麻疹型药疹
B. 猩红热型药疹
C. 湿疹型药疹
D. 大疱性表皮松解型药疹
A. 1/3
B. 1/2
C. 2/3
D. 3/5
A. 蓄水水位
B. 蓄水安全
C. 蓄水库容
D. 蓄水流量
A. 二
B. 三
C. 四
D. 五