
_Two colleagues are heading for a construction site._
Robert: Let’s go to the worksite and see the progress.
Ben: OK, you must remember to wear a hard hat.
Robert: {A. You need to check the suspensions regularly,; B. Let me check.; C. That’s really worth noting.; D. Can a hard hat save my life?; E. Thank you for your detailed introduction.}
Ben: Of course. Hard hats are important for protecting your head in open environments.
Robert: Is my hat on properly?
Ben: {A. You need to check the suspensions regularly,; B. Let me check.; C. That’s really worth noting.; D. Can a hard hat save my life?; E. Thank you for your detailed introduction.} First of all, adjust the suspensions.
Robert: I want the hat to fit comfortably so it doesn’t fall off, but I don’t want to make it so tight that it causes discomfort. What should I do?
Ben: You can adjust the chinstraps properly to fit around your chin.
Robert: I see. Do you have any more information about safety?
Ben: {A. You need to check the suspensions regularly,; B. Let me check.; C. That’s really worth noting.; D. Can a hard hat save my life?; E. Thank you for your detailed introduction.} because after years of wear and tear, the entire suspension system may need replacing.
Robert: {A. You need to check the suspensions regularly,; B. Let me check.; C. That’s really worth noting.; D. Can a hard hat save my life?; E. Thank you for your detailed introduction.}
Ben: And do not stuff the gaps of a hard hat or make changes to the hat’s suspension harness. Otherwise, its effectiveness will be impacted.
Robert: {A. You need to check the suspensions regularly,; B. Let me check.; C. That’s really worth noting.; D. Can a hard hat save my life?; E. Thank you for your detailed introduction.} Now I know how important a hard hat is in the high-hazard construction industry!


David: Oh, my God. I can’t take it anymore.
Barbara: {A. Don’t be discouraged.; B. It’s expensive, isn’t it?; C. What’s wrong, honey?; D. Let me have a try.; E. But I don’t have much time to attend the classes.} Take it easy.
David: I am tired of doing that boring work. I just repeat doing the same thing every day.
Barbara: Cheer up! You always do an excellent job. Your diligence and intelligence are always highly praised.
David: Yes, that’s in the past. I was full of ambitions before, but now I have no passion for my career. It’s so terrible.
Barbara: {A. Don’t be discouraged.; B. It’s expensive, isn’t it?; C. What’s wrong, honey?; D. Let me have a try.; E. But I don’t have much time to attend the classes.} Maybe you can register for some courses. It can broaden your knowledge and provide chances for you to pick up more professional skills.
David: It sounds great. {A. Don’t be discouraged.; B. It’s expensive, isn’t it?; C. What’s wrong, honey?; D. Let me have a try.; E. But I don’t have much time to attend the classes.}
Barbara: There are lots of professional training courses online. Check it on the Internet. You’ll find one suitable for you.
David: {A. Don’t be discouraged.; B. It’s expensive, isn’t it?; C. What’s wrong, honey?; D. Let me have a try.; E. But I don’t have much time to attend the classes.}
Barbara: Yes, it is more expensive than attending traditional classes. But it’s worth it. I believe it can get you into a good mood and also help you learn something useful for the future.
David: OK, {A. Don’t be discouraged.; B. It’s expensive, isn’t it?; C. What’s wrong, honey?; D. Let me have a try.; E. But I don’t have much time to attend the classes.}


A. 小王在一次车祸中严重受伤,丧失劳动能力,与公司终止劳动关系
B. 小张因上班辛苦,多年前辞去工作,成为啃老一族
C. 孙先生年事已高,办理退休手续后回家安享晚年
D. 李小姐因公司倒闭丢失工作,目前正在人才市场积极寻找新的工作单位


Kindles, Nooks and other e-readers are threatening the future of printed books. But reading itself may get a boost from the devices. For example, a study found that the kids felt better about reading after a course in which they used Amazon Kindles. The research is in the _International Journal of Applied Science and Technology._
For two months, 199 middle-school students in a reading improvement class in Texas had 15 to 25 minutes every day when they were free to read on the Kindle. In general, the students felt the device improved their reading ability. And they tended to enjoy using an e-reader.
They noted the ease of carrying multiple books in one device, and the feeling that reading was suddenly a high-tech 21st-century activity rather than a boring waste of time. And some low-level readers who might otherwise be embarrassed to be seen with a simple book liked keeping their peers in the dark about what title they were reading. In the old days, one had to use a fake book-cover to achieve that level of secrecy.
1. Amazon Kindles is a kind of e-books. {T; F}
2. The research done in the _International Journal of Applied Science and Technology_ has lasted for two years. {T; F}
3. The students felt e-books could not improve their reading ability. {T; F}
4. Many students tended to enjoy using an e-reader. {T; F}
5. Some low-level readers used to use fake book-covers to keep their peers in the dark. {T; F}
