The college department or association can get payments from the issuer if it sanctions credit cards decorated with ______.
听力原文:World economy is getting increasingly integrated, and this has very serious implications, socially and politically. We also have a cultural phenomenon—the emergence of global culture, or of cultural globalization.
What is the important channel to get market information?
If comfort, convenience and cost are considered simultaneously, it is advantageous to travel by ______.
int binsearch(sqtable R,keytype K)
{ low=l;hig=R.n;/*置查找区间初值。low,hig分别标记查找区间的下、上界*/
{ mid=(low+hig)/2;
{ case K==R.item[i].key:return(mid); /*找到,返回位置mid*/
case K<R.item[i].key:______.break;/*缩小区间*/
case K>R.item[i].key:______;break/*缩小区间*/
return(0); /*若区间长度已为0但仍不成功,则返回0,表示查找不成功*/