57. How much cash can you earn back with Discover It in rotating categories each quarter?You can get_____________cash back.
58. When can you receive all the money the bank matches?At the end of_________________
59. What does the bank do to protect your account security?It monitors every purchase and_________________if it spots something suspicious.
60. What should you do if you have any questions about Discover It?Call the bank's_______________________
单选题!!!下列情况所引起的误差中,是随机误差的是( )单选题!!!
A. 移液管转移溶液之后残留量稍有不同
B. 称量时发现砝码严重锈蚀还要使用
C. 滴定管刻度未经校正
D. 标定盐酸的基准物质硼砂失去了部分结晶水
E. 同一人员读取同一溶液的体积,每次读数总是略偏小
F. 酸碱滴定过程中,有一滴标准溶液滴到待测液容器之外