
Which statement about replication of bacterial chromosome DNA is not right?

A. Each of the two DNA strands serves as a template for the synthesis of a new, complementary strand.
B. The synthesis of new DNA strand is in direction from 3` terminus to 5` end.
C. The synthesis of the lagging strand is discontinuous.
DNA polymerase III catalyzes synthesis of new DNA strand


Which enzyme folds the bacterial chromosome into supercoiled form?

A. RNA polymerase;
B. DNA polymerase;
C. nuclease
D. gyrase;

Which statement about bacterial chromosome is not right?

A. Most bacterial chromosome is a haploid genome.
B. The bacterial chromosome folds to be supercoils like a skein of yarn.
C. The bacterial chromosome is located in the nucleoid.
D. The chromosome of Vibrio cholera is of diploid genome.

( )是建设中国特色社会主义的一项基本国策。

A. 一国两制
B. 对外开放
C. 三个有利于
D. 四个现代化

“一国两制”伟大构想的首次公开提出是解决( )问题。

A. 台湾
B. 香港
C. 澳门
D. 钓鱼岛
