
Section B
Directions: In this section, there are 10 incomplete sentences. For each sentence there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your rnachine-scoring ANSWER SHEET.
Sometimes we buy a magazine with absolutely no purpose ______ to pass time.

A. rather than
B. other than
C. as well
D. except for


Section A
Directions: In this section there are 10 sentences, each with one word or phrase underlined. Choose the one from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D that best keeps the meaning of the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET.
The very sight of the imposing buildings assured these tourists of the significant changes in this city.

A. instinctive
B. impressive
C. institutional
D. imaginary

Another widespread decline is in the loss of cells involved in the hearing process. The loss is most masked for high pitches and may require tile assistance of a battery-operated hearing aid. More subtle are such declines as those in the processes involved with being immune to disease, which result in a lessoned ability of the older organism to cope with infection. Indeed, pneumonia is one of the most common causes of death among the elderly population of most nations.
Mixed with true aging processes are disease processes that may be so common as to be mistaken for aging. For instance, the buildup of deposits of fatty materials in arteries tends to be progressive with aging; everything else being equal, the narrowing of arteries results in such serious illnesses as stroke or heart attack, occurring with increasing frequency as an individual ages.
It is now recognized that arteriosclerosis is the result of many factors, not only genetic but also environmental high blood pressure, high saturated-fat diets, and smoking, the effects of which be come more obvious with the passage of time. It is therefore an age-related, but not a universal aging, process and can thus usually be controlled.
As far as aging is concerned ______.

A. the changes inside human bodies are more important than exterior ones
B. the loss of competence is more significant than that of cells
C. the shrinkage of muscles is more significant than the decline in height
D. the thinning of hair is less important than the wrinkling of skin

The author suggests that the main reason for the persisting influence of Bachofen' s work

A. feminists have shown little interest in ancient societies
Bachofen' s knowledge of Amazonian culture is unparalleled
C. reliable information about the ancient world is difficult to acquire
D. historians have been primarily interested in the modem period

In large part as a consequence of the feminist movement, historians have focused a great deal of attention in recent years on determining more accurately the status of women in various periods. Al though much has been accomplished for the modern period, pre-modern cultures have proved more difficult: sources are restricted in number, fragmentary, difficult to interpret, and often contradictory. Thus it is not particularly surprising that some earlier scholarship concerning such cultures has so far gone unchallenged. An example is Johann Bechofen' s 1861 treatise on Amazons, women-ruled societies of questionable existence contemporary with ancient Greece.
Starting from the premise that mythology and legend preserve at least a nucleus of historical fact, Bachofen argued that women were dominant in many ancient societies. His work was based on a comprehensive survey of references in the ancient sources to Amazonian and other societies with matrilineal customs--societies in which descent and property rights are traced through the female line. Some support for his theory can be found in evidence such as that drawn from Herodotus, the Greek "historian" of the fifth century BC, who speaks of an Amazonian society, the Sauromatae, where the women hunted and fought in wars. A woman in this society was not allowed to marry until she had killed a person in battle.
Nonetheless, this assumption that the first recorders of ancient myths have preserved facts is problematic. If one begins by examining why ancients refer to Amazons, it becomes clear that ancient Greek descriptions of such societies were meant not so much to represent observed historical fact--real Amazonian societies--but rather to offer "moral lessons" on the supposed outcome of women' s role in their own society. The Amazons were often characterized, for example, as the equivalents of giants and monsters, enemies to be killed by Greek heroes. Their customs were presented not as those of respectable society, but as the very anti-theses of ordinary Greek practices.
Thus, I would argue, the purpose of accounts of the Amazons for their male Greek recorders, was enlightening to teach both male and female Greeks that all-female groups, formed by withdrawal from traditional society, are destructive and dangerous. Myths about the Amazons were used as arguments for the male-dominated status quo, in which groups composed exclusively of the other sex were not permitted to segregate themselves permanently from society. Bachofen was thus misled in this reliance on myths for information about the status of woman. The sources that will probably tell con temporary historians most about women in the ancient world are such social documents as grave stones, wills, and marriage contracts. Studies of such documents have already begun to show how mistaken we are when we try to deliver our picture of the ancient world exclusively from literary sources, especially myths.
The primary purpose of the passage is to ______.

A. compare competing new approaches to understanding the role of women in ancient societies
B. investigate Bachofen' s theory about the dominance of women in ancient societies
C. analyze the nature of Amazonian society and uncover similarities between it and the Greek world
D. criticize the value of ancient myths in determining the status of women in ancient societies
