The house was clean, the table set, and the porch light on everything was ready for the guests' arrival.
The foundations of the house had been poured but, to his disappointment, nothing else had been done because of the carpenters' strike.
电气元件的表示采用双重命名的原则,上部为设备名称,下部为设备顺序编号。( )?xml:namespace>
A. 对
B. 错
相对编号法的定义,如甲、乙两个接线端子用导线连接起来,在甲的端子旁标着乙端子的号,在乙的端子旁标着甲端子的号。( )?xml:namespace>
A. 对
B. 错
电气装置的安装接线方法是从电源开始,先连接串联的支路构成电源回路,然后再将并联的支路接上,完成电气装置的安装接线。( )
A. 对
B. 错