Ministers are appointed by the Queen on the recommendation of the Prime Minister.
The members in the House of Commons are appointed rather than elected.
A. 对
B. 错
Although the monarch does not have any real power, he (or she) does have great influence.
A. 对
B. 错
以下不属于机体觉的是( )
A. 饿
B. 胀
C. 窒息
D. 恶心
E. 四肢麻木
A. 春天的田野就像绿色的海洋,得出这样的结论主要靠的是视觉作用。
B. 从金门眺望台湾,台湾近在咫尺。这是一种空间知觉。
C. 点燃的蜡烛不断变短,这反映了时间知觉。
D. 做在轮船上看江边两边的山在动,反映了空间知觉。