
Liu:Good morning, Judy.Judy: Good morning, Mr. Liu. (1)___________________Liu: Yes, Could you do me a favor?Judy: No, problem.Liu: I would like to (2)______________ tomorrow morning.Judy: Ok, I will work out a meeting notice for you. What is (3)____________________________?Liu: At 10:00 p.m. tomorrow morning in the meeting room.Judy: And what will be the main purpose of the meeting?Liu:(4)__________________________ will be the development of ideas about the sales strategy on our newly developed computer.Judy: I got it. I will finish the meeting notice as soon as possible and tell everyone to (5)__________ on time.Liu: Very good. Thank you so much.Judy: It's my pleasure.


Guo:Good morning, everyone.Staff s: Good morning.Guo: Ok, everyone is here. (1)_______________. We will discuss the plan of the new product promotion today. I would like to (2)_____________________ in advance.Staff A: I think we could promote the product in the supermarket first.Guo: James, what do you think about this?Staff B: I (3)_____________. I think we could also give some small gifts to the customers.Guo: What is your reason?Staff B: I think it will excite the customers to buy our goods.Staff C: I (4)________________. If doing so, we could enlarge our turnover.Guo: Good suggestion. Does anyone wish to add anything?Staffs:No.Guo: Ok, if nobody wants to add anything, the meeting could (5)____________. Thank you all for your participation. I think today’s meeting is quite successful.

1855年,托马斯·库克组织了( ),在目的地停留游览4天,全程用一次性包价的形式。

A. 参加拉夫巴勒禁酒大会
B. 利物浦之行
C. 参观“伦敦水晶宫”世界博览会
D. 从英国莱斯特前往巴黎的旅游

我国入境旅游客源市场主体是( )

A. 港澳台地区
B. 中东地区
C. 美洲市场
D. 欧洲市场

人们普遍将( )看作是近代旅游业的开端。

A. 托马斯•库克于1841年组织的旅游活动
B. 托马斯•库克于1845年组织的旅游活动
C. 铁路运输的出现
D. 喷气推进技术在民用航空中的应用
