
输入一组数,按从大到小的顺序升序排序后输出。#include "stdio.h"#define N 8 //参加排序的数据总个数int main(){int a[N+1],i,j,min;//定义的数组中包含N+1个元素,0号元素不存放有效数据//有效数据从1号开始存放以符合人们日常习惯,min存放当前范围内最小数的下标printf("请输入%d个数:\n",N);for(i=1;i<=N;i++)//输入原始数据scanf("%d",&a[i]);printf("\n排序前:\n");//按原序输出以方便与后面排序结果进行对比for(i=1;i<=N;i++)printf("%8d",a[i]);//下面的二重循环实现排序for(j=1;j<=N-1;j++){[请选择A]for(i=j+1;i<=N;i++)if(a[i]


Matchthe following sentenceswith different reasons for refusing to reduce the price, such as Cost, Quality and Sales.以下是价格谈判中常用来拒绝买方降价要求的句子,请分析归纳出卖方所使用的拒绝理由(cost成本, quality质量 or sales销售?)

Fill in the blanks with the given words and expressions.make an exception, marketing tool, original price, competitive, labor cost用所给词汇和短语补全以下价格谈判常用句型。Here is an offer from Singapore for the same quality at a very 1price.I admit that lower prices are an effective 2 , yet many people care more about quality.To help you sell our products, we’ll to 3give you a special discount.Under the circumstances of post-pandemic, raw materials’ price and4 keep increasing.Since your orderis large enough, we can offer you a 3% discount on the 5.


A. 相对集成度低
B. 相对速度快
C. 需要外部刷新电路

关于DRAM叙述不正确的是( )。

A. 相对集成度高
B. 可读写存储器
C. 不需要外部刷新电路
