
And when we struggle to retain a handful of Californian condors or whooping cranes, it’s clearly not from a fear of ecological collapse, it’s because there is something obscene and frightening about the disappearance of another species at our hands.What does “the disappearance of another species at our hands” mean?

A. In the modern era, we are directly responsible for the extinction of endangered species.
B. We directly kill other species, causing their extinction.
C. We make other species disappeared.
D. We witness the disappearance of other species.


These cases all attracted _____famous writers.

A. gang
B. herds of
C. galaxy
D. flocks of

家畜喉软骨中,最大的是( )。

A. 甲状软骨
B. 会厌软骨
C. 环状软骨
D. 勺状软骨

固有鼻腔呼吸区黏膜上皮类型是( )。

A. 变移上皮
B. 单层扁平上皮
C. 单层柱状上皮
D. 假复层纤毛柱状上皮

肺分叶最不明显的动物是( )。

A. 马
B. 牛
C. 羊
D. 猪
