Developers are turning to the skyscraper In London because
A. the weather there covers the city with a gray ceiling.
British are inclined to understatement.
C. British love the countryside and gardens.
D. the city's population and its prominence grow increasingly.
Why does the author use the term "duck factory" in paragraph 4?
A. To point out that ducks are the region's main product for export
B. To emphasize the area's value as a breeding ground for ducks
C. To illustrate the tremendous growth of the poultry industry
D. To show that the potholes are important to the region's economy
Members of the international community urge the Sri Lankan government______.
A. to realize national reconciliation
B. to fight with Tamil Tiger rebels
C. to develop national economy
D. to enhance national security
A. 遵循在中央统一的领导下,充分发挥地方主动性、积极性的原则
B. 党发挥总揽全局、协调各方的领导核心作用,形成合力共创伟业
C. 国家始终把维护人民的根本利益作为科学决策的出发点和落脚点
D. 政府领导立法和保证执法,公民自觉守法,将依法治国落到实处
A. 村民委员会是我国基层政权机关
B. 村规民约是村民参与民主管理的主要途径
C. 村务公开是民主决策的重要形式
D. 村民自己选举当家人,是村民自治的基础