注册会计师在对年末存货实施截止测试时,对于年末采购的在途存货,无论被审计单位是否收到卖方发票,都应提请其不要将年终在途存货及相应的负债反映在当年的财务报表中。 ()
A.The man and the woman live in different buildings.B.The woman is upset that she wasn
A. The man and the woman live in different buildings.
B. The woman is upset that she wasn't invited to the party.
C. The woman is complaining about the man's carelessness.
D. The man and his friends might be louder than the woman expected they would be.
A. 金属扳与石板通常由加工厂一次加工成型后,运抵现场安装。按照板块规格及安装顺序分别送到各楼层适当位置
B. 将金属板用紧固件固定在骨架上,其位置、规格及紧固件的品种、规格和间距均应符合设计要求
C. 石材幕墙的面板与骨架的连接有钢销式、通槽式、短槽式、背栓式、背挂式等方式。其中,钢销式为薄弱连接,规范已对其使用范围作了限制:允许其在非抗震设计或6度、7度抗震设计幕墙中应用,幕墙高度不宜大于15m,单块石板面积不宜大于1.0m2
D. 石板的转角宜采用不锈钢支撑件或铝合金型材组装
E. 石板经切割或开槽等工序后均应将石屑用水冲干净,石板与不锈钢或铝合金挂件间应用于挂石材幕墙环氧胶粘剂黏结
A.onB.secondC.lastlyD.in addition
A. on
B. second
C. lastly
D. in addition