
LiMing, a Chinese student, just began his study in a university in the United States. In his first week in U.S, he thought everything was new and exciting, and he enjoyed himself a lot. LiMing is in_____ stage of culture shock.

A. honeymoon
B. crisis
C. reintegration
D. gradual adjustment


____ takes place when individuals become an integral part of the new culture while maintaining their cultural integrity.

A. Culture shock
B. Integration
Cultural identity
D. Acculturation

What is culture shock?

直接与矿物加工有关的矿物性质有( )

A. 密度
B. 润湿性
C. 磁性
D. 导电性

矿物加工过程由( )组成

A. 选别前的准备作业
B. 选别作业
C. 脱水
D. 选别后产品处理作业
