
New England is sometimes called the of America because it was the chief center of the American War of Independence of 1776 and was also the nation’s first industrial area.

A. center
B. base
C. birthplace
D. backbone


The US city, Detroit is known as the capital of the world.

A. iron
B. steel
C. copper
D. automobile

West of the Great Plains are the Rocky Mountains in which trade of the Rockies is developed to visit famous parks such as Yellowstone National Park and Rocky Mountain National Park.

A. gamble
B. gold
C. tourist
D. oil

The carved by the Colorado River is 1.5 kilometers deep, 320 kilometers long and as much as 29 kilometers wide in some places.

A. Great Colorado
B. Grand Canyon
C. Great Divide
D. Grand View

is the largest city in the US Pacific Coast and is also the second largest city of America.

A. San Francisco
B. Los Angeles
C. Washington
D. Phoenix
