
B1U5 Text 信息匹配填空题Directions: In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once. (填写句子所在段落代码)AIn 2007, when my daughter was seven years old, we would brush our teeth together every night as part of our daily ritual. To conserve water, we would turn off the faucet after wetting our brushes and turn it back on only to rinse. One night, I didn’t turn off the water fast enough to her liking. She turned off the faucet, made an angry face at me, and growled, “Turn off the water, Daddy. The scientists need time.”BThat statement still rings in my ears today, not only because of her precociousness but also because she was exactly right. We need to conserve our resources to buy ourselves time so scientists can find new solutions to our problems. And this is especially true for water.CWater is on track to be the most important and most contentious resource of the 21st century. It could replace oil as the strategic resource that triggers geopolitical conflicts. But with the right solutions, it could also be the one that brings us all together.DIn 2003, the late Nobel Laureate Richard Smalley gave a lecture at Rice University’s Energy & Nanotechnology Conference highlighting humanity’s top 10 problems for the next 50 years. His list, in descending order of importance, was: energy, water, food, environment, poverty, terrorism and war, disease, education, democracy, and population.EThe reason energy and water sit at the top, ahead of food and poverty, is that addressing them makes subsequent problems easier to deal with. Developing abundant sources of clean, reliable, affordable energy enables an abundance of clean water. An abundance of clean water enables food production and protects the environment. And so forth.FIn many ways, the 1900s was the century of energy conflict. Now, the dawn of a new energy era is just around the corner — with the prices of solar power going down, and distributed generation and energy efficiency on the point of taking off — and we can foresee a time this century when water replaces energy as the next great challenge for humanity. Getting water right could clear the path to a fully liberated, healthy, and peaceful civilization.GBut water is complicated. First, there’s no alternative. There are alternatives to coal and petroleum, but water cannot be replaced. Second, water is intertwined with every other sector of society. Energy production requires water for cooling power plants and fracturing shale. Agriculture needs water for irrigation. Industry and cities use trillions of gallons of water for all sorts of purposes. Third, water demands are growing at the same time supplies are fluctuating. Climate change is expected to intensify droughts and floods while shifting where water will be and when. That means humanity will be confronted with decisions about whether to move people to water or water to people.HThankfully, there are solutions. Some are large, incredibly expensive, and energy-intensive, such as building cross-continent water-transfer aqueducts, new hydroelectric dams, and massive desalination plants. Some are small, such as using micro water harvesters that condense water vapor out of the air. All of them take a while.IIn April 1961, President John F. Kennedy said, “If we could ever competitively — at a cheap rate — get freshwater from saltwater, it would be in the long-range interest of humanity and would really dwarf any other scientific accomplishments.”JThat was one month before his famous moon-shot speech. Before the decade was over, we sent man to the moon and back. But we still haven’t found a solution as to how to get freshwater from saltwater without a lot of money and energy. That’s mainly because our great innovation apparatus has not been dedicated to water. Research budgets have prioritized energy, defense, and health while mostly ignoring water, even though fixing water would help our energy, defense, and health problems. If we spent as much money looking for water on Earth as we do searching for it on Mars, the outcomes might be very different.(1)___ Properly solving the problem of water resources can remove obstacles for us to move towards a completely liberated, healthy and peaceful civilization.(2)___ He said that getting fresh water from seawater at a low price will be beneficial to the long-term interests of mankind.(3)___ We must conserve resources, so much so that scientists could find new ways to solve problems before they are run out.(4)___ There are ways to solve the water problem, but the practical application of all these methods will take some time.(5)___ If there is the good solution to water problem, water may also become a resource that unites us.(6)___ Unlike coal and oil, water has no substitute.(7)___ Solve the two problems of energy and water, and the other problems that follow them on the list will be easier to tackle.(8)___ My daughter was not pleased because I did not turn off the tap fast.(9)___ We still haven’t found a way to turn seawater into fresh water without spending a lot of money and energy.(10)___ Climate change will make droughts and floods worse and it will also change where and when rain will fall.


大陷胸丸比大陷胸汤多出( )

A. 甘遂、杏仁、白蜜
B. 葶苈子、杏仁、白蜜
C. 厚朴、枳实、芒硝
D. 大黄、杏仁、白蜜
E. 以上都不是

文蛤散的功效是( )

A. 滋阴润肺,清热除烦
B. 清肺化痰,散结利水
C. 益气补血,安神定志
D. 活血化瘀,消肿止痛
E. 以上都不是

阳微结的治疗用( )

A. 大柴胡汤
B. 小承气汤
C. 大承气汤
D. 调胃承气汤
E. 小柴胡汤

心下痞,按之濡,其脉关上浮者,( )主之。

A. 半夏泻心汤
B. 附子泻心汤
C. 生姜泻心汤
D. 大黄黄连泻心汤
E. 以上都不是
