
Dictation. Listen to the passage and complete the passage by filling in each of the blanks with what you have heard.[音频]New research shows that overweight or even mildly obese people have a _1______ of early death than people considered to be _2______weight.Researchers examined the results of _3______ studies. Most of the studies were less than 10 years old. They included almost three million adults from around the world, including the United States, Canada, China, Taiwan, Brazil, India and _4______.The researchers work at the National Center for Health Statistics, part of the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.They found that people who are considered overweight or slightly obese were five to six percent less likely to die from _5______than people of normal weight. People with higher obesity ratings, however, had almost a _6______percent greater risk of death compared to normal-weight individuals.Katherine Flegal was the lead author of the study. She says she was not surprised that overweight people would not have a higher risk of death.But she says the difference in death rates appears to be _7______between normal-weight people and those who are overweight or mildly obese.The study has raised _8______about "body mass index," or BMI. This is a _9______of body fat as a ratio of height to weight. BMI guidelines were used as a _10______for the study. In recent years, many public health experts have _11______body mass index as a way to predict the risk of health problems. But a person's BMI can be _12______in some cases.Steven Heymsfield is the executive director of the Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. He says people can be physically fit and in good health, but might weigh more because they are more muscular.Still, Dr. Heymsfield says people should not think gaining extra weight is OK just because of the new findings. He says being at a healthy weight lowers the risk for _13______ and diabetes. He and a colleague wrote an editorial that appeared along with the study in the _14______ of the American Medical Association.


listen to the passage and complete the passage with the missing words you have heard.[音频]Anewstudyfindsthat_1_____Internetusemaybeconnectedtohighbloodpressureinan_2_____group--teenagers.Thestudyresultsshowthatteenswhospendatleast14hoursaweekonlineweremorelikelytohavehighbloodpressure.Highbloodpressuremakesyourheartandbloodvesselsworktoohard.Overtime,thisextra_3_____increasesyourriskofaheartattackorstroke.Highbloodpressurecanalsocauseheartandkidneydisease.Itisalsocloselylinkedtosomeformsofdementia,a_4_____disease.Dementiaismarkedbymemory_5_____,personalitychanges,andareducedabilityto_6_____.

1. 常见的金属晶体结构有哪几种?


