He bought two____ (box) of chocolate at the store.
Friendship falls apart because of lack of opportunity___________.
A. to meet.
B. to hang out.
C. to connect.
D. All of the above.
People go to big cities for ______________.
A. Jobs.
B. Opportunities.
C. Peace.
D. A and B.
A. 阿莫西林
B. 青霉素
C. 头孢羟氨苄
D. 头孢克洛
E. 头孢噻肟钠
A. 增强亲脂性,有利吸收,活性增强
B. 降低亲脂性,不利吸收,活性下降
C. 适度的亲脂性有最佳活性
D. 增强亲脂性,使作用时间缩短
E. 降低亲脂性,使作用时间延长