Mother Teresa __________ her life to helping the poor.
A. contradicted
B. dedicated
C. deadline
D. dedication
If you _________ the tasks that you have to do, you decide which are the most important and do them first.
A. prior
B. priority
C. prioritize
D. prioritizing
汉代从西域传入长安的物种不包括( )
A. 葡萄
B. 石榴
C. 核桃
D. 玉米
到( )时期,支撑海上之路的主要大宗商品,已由原来的丝绸变为瓷器。
A. 隋唐
B. 秦汉
C. 宋元
D. 明清
( )是中央政府与周边诸国的进贡与回赐关系,其实质是带有浓厚政治色彩的以物易物。
A. 互市贸易
B. 朝贡贸易
C. 民间贸易
D. 官商合营