
污水的厌氧生物处理,是利用厌氧微生物,在( )条件下,将污水中的污染物质分解或转化为自身组成物质,从而降低水中污染物质,实现处理目的。


污水中有机污染物质的厌氧生物分解终产物主要是以( )为主的小分子物质。

Task 1 Based on what you have heard from the conversation, answer thefollowing two questions by filling in the blanks with proper words or phrases.1) What’s so special about this national park in California?The national park is full of beautiful________________ , and they are called__________.2) Why are the trees in this national park so special?They’re______________ in size and the ___________in the world. They’re also very__________.

Task 2 Now listen to the conversation again. After listening, please complete the following chart to illustrate why these redwood trees can grow so tall and live so long.


A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
