
79、下列不是集成运放的线性应用的是( )。

A. 比例应用
B. 加法应用
C. 微分应用
D. 比较器


77、LC 选频振荡电路适合( )的高频电路。

A. 1MHz
B. 10MHz
C. 几十KHz~几十MHz
D. 100KHz

78、差动放大电路能放大( )。

A. 直流信号
B. 交流信号
C. 共模信号
D. 差模信号

Mary is _______ than Alice.

A. More experienced a teacher.
B. A more experienced teacher
C. More an experienced teacher
D. More experienced teacher.

I put him down for a well-educated man.- _________- I mean that he’s a well-educated man.

A. I beg your pardon
B. Speak louder, will you
C. What’s that
D. Will you repeat word for word.
