辨认以下IP地址的网络类别(1) (2) (3) (4) (6)
40. 假定网络中的路由器B的路由表有如下的项目(这三列分别表示“目的网络”、“距离”和“下一跳路由器”)N1 7 AN2 2 BN6 8 FN8 4 EN9 4 F现在B收到从C发来的路由信息(这两列分别表示“目的网络”“距离”):N2 4N3 8N6 4N8 3N9 5试求出路由器B更新后的路由表(详细说明每一个步骤)。
F·奥尔波特认为社会心理学的研究对象包括社会行为和( )。
A. 社会行为
B. 社会影响
C. 社会意识
D. 本能行为
在社会心理学研究领域,民族习俗属于( )的研究内容。
A. 个体层面
B. 人际层面
C. 群体层面
D. 社会层面
[音频]Love and friendship are the brightest moments of our life. They are the1)______of joy and energy to motivate us.Parents are the unsung2)_______of every person that has ever done anything great. They sow the seeds of greatness in our life. Friendship is the3)______of life. It is essential to our wellbeing. We could not survive without it. Falling in love may be one of the4)________ feelings ever.Colors seem brighter, sounds more resonant and smells more powerful when you are in love. They reflect different aspects of our life.They represent5) ____________, which require time, effort and many other characteristics. They assume emotional involvement, care, respect and6) _______.They make people happier. They bring7)_______emotions and feelings even in theperiodsofconflicts and8) ________________,which are inevitable parts of our life.