
广东、江苏、浙江第三产业不同时期年均增长情况比较 单位:%
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The job of finding these dead bodies was carried out by an unpleasant group of people called“body snatchers'’.They went into graveyards(墓地)at night and,using wooden shovels to make less noise。dug up any recently buried bodies.Then they took the bodies to the medical schools and sold them.A body could be sold for between£5 and~10,which was a lot of money at that time.The doctors who paid the body snatchers had all agreement with t}them—they never asked any questions.They did not desire to know where the bodies came from,as long as they kept arriving.
The most famous of these body snatchers were two men from Edinburgh called William Burke and William Hare.Burke and Hare were different because they did not just dig Up bodies from graveyards.They got greedy and thought of all easier way to find bodies.Instead of digging them up,they killed the poorer guests in Hare’s small hotel.Dr.Knox,the respected surgeon they worked for, never asked why all the bodies they brought him had been strangled (勒死).For many years Burke and Hare were not caught because,unsurprisingly, the bodies of their victims were never found by the police.They were eventually arrested and put on trial in 1 829.
The judge showed mercy to Hare and he was released but Burke Was found guilty and his punishment was to be hanged.Appropriately, his body Was given to the medical school and he ended up on the dissecting table,just like his victims.In one small way,.justice was done.
Now,over 150 years later, surgeons do not need the help of criminals to learn their skills. However,the science of surgery could not have developed without their rather gruesome(令人毛骨悚然的) help.
第11题:The problem facing British surgeons in the early 19thcenturywas that

A. some illnesses remained incurable.
B. few people were willing to work as surgeons.
C. medical expenses were too high.
D. dead bodies were not easily available.

三、根据下图提供的信息回答131~135题。 2006年10月份,“国房景气指数”为103.40,比9月份上升0.26点,比2005年10月份上升2.38点。

A. 房地产开发投资分类指数
B. 资金来源分类指数
C. 土地开发面积分类指数
D. 房屋施工面积分类指数

(五)甲公司持有在境外注册的乙公司 l00%股权,能够对乙公司的财务和经营政策实施控制。甲公司以人民币为记账本位币,乙公司以港币为记账本位币,发生外币交易时甲公司和乙公司均采用交易日的即期汇率进行折算。
(1)20×9年10月20日,甲公司以每股2 美元的价格购入丙公司8股股票20 万股,支付价款40万美元,另支付交易费用O.5万美元。甲公司将购入的上述股票作为交易性金融资产核算,当日即期汇率为l美元=6.84元人民币。20×9年 12月31目,丙公司 B股股票的市价为每股2.5美元。
上述长期应收款实质上构成了甲公司对乙公司境外经营的净投资,除长期应收款外,其他资产、负债均与关联方无关。20×9年 12 月31 日,即期汇率为1美元=6.82元人民币,1 港元=0.88元人民币。
要求:根据上述资料,不考虑其他因素,回答下列第9 小题至第 l l小题。

A. 应付账款
B. 预收款项
C. 长期应收款
D. 持有至到期投资

