
In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter.AIDS is a terrible disease. It poses a threat to all the human beingswithout caring whether you are black or white,male or female, gay or straight,young or old. But what is at risk now is not just the people ____1_____with the disease. Human civilization itself is being____2____. This is becausethe whole society tolerates both ignorance of and ___3____against HIV orAIDS. Once diagnosed (被诊断) as HIV-positive, the victims are ___4____ortreated as outcasts. They are believed to have_____5____something evil orto have entered some alien state of being. As a result, these poor people have to____6____the flickering candle of life from the cold wind of rejection by theirfamily members. When they die of the____7____, their families dare not whisperthe word AIDS. They just grieve silently. Thus, our prejudice and silence havehelped the disease along. Now HIV marches firmly towards AIDS in morethan a million American homes, littering its pathwaywith the bodies ofthe young. To guard against the disease____8____, we must take this issue___9____. People should be educated tobring those negative attitudes toan end. We should not see AIDS as something eviland the patients as alien.Instead, we should____10____ourselves withthe prevention of the disease andrender strong supportto the patients with more compassion. Only in thisway can we have a better chance of winning the war against AIDS.A. concern B. equipping C. isolatedD. infectedE. diseaseF. seriouslyG. sponsor H. shelterI. monitors J. prejudice K. contractedL. effectivelyM. threatenedN. resume O. guarantee



A. 立志高远
B. 坚定信念
C. 不畏困难
D. 勇于实践

我国著名诗人流沙河这样描述理想:“世界上总有人抛弃了理想,理想却从来不抛弃任何人。给罪人新生,理想是还魂的仙草;唤浪子回头,理想是慈爱的母亲。”根据这则材料,以下关于理想对人生的作用描述错误的是( )。窗体顶端

A. 提供前进动力
B. 指引奋斗目标
C. 决定人生价值
D. 提高精神境界

“得其大者可以兼其小。”根据这句话,对个人理想与社会理想的关系表述错误的是( )。窗体顶端

A. 社会理想对于个人理想来说具有包容性
B. 社会理想是每个人理想的总和
C. 社会理想为个人理想提供方向性指导
D. 社会理想为个人理想的实现提供条件

立志当高远,立志做大事,立志须躬行。大量事实告诉人们,那些在事业上取得伟大成就、对人类作出卓越贡献的人,都是在青年时期就立下了鸿鹄之志,并为之坚持不懈、努力奋斗。以下与此含义一致的是( )

A. “功崇惟志,业广推勤”
B. “夙夜在公”
C. “己欲立而立人,己欲达而达人”
D. “己所不欲,勿施于人”
