【多选题】What are the main elements of crude oil?
A. Carbon;
B. Oxygen;
C. Sulphur;
D. Hydrogen;
E. Nitrogen
【多选题】What are the minor elements of crude oil?
A. Carbon;
B. Oxygen;
C. Sulphur;
D. Hydrogen;
E. Nitrogen
【多选题】What are the chemical compounds of crude oil?
B. Alkane;
C. Sulfur-Containing Compound;
D. Cycloalkane;
E. Colloid;
F. Nitrogen-Containing Compound;
G. Aromatic hydrocarbon;
H. Oxygen-Containing Compound
【多选题】What are the hydrocarbons of crude oil?
B. Alkane;
C. Sulfur-Containing Compound;
D. Cycloalkane;
E. Colloid;
F. Nitrogen-Containing Compound;
G. Aromatic hydrocarbon;
H. Oxygen-Containing Compound
【多选题】What are the non-hydrocarbons of crude oil?
B. Alkane;
C. Sulfur-Containing Compound;
D. Cycloalkane;
E. Colloid;
F. Nitrogen-Containing Compound;
G. Aromatic hydrocarbon;
H. Oxygen-Containing Compound