vt. to hang sth. from sth. else; to officially stop sth. for a time; to prevent sth. from being active, used, etc. for a time
A. solemn
B. suspend
C. swell
D. stoop
n. a particular way of doing sth. , especially one in which you have to learn special skills
A. stadium
B. technique
C. stewardess
D. thermometer
ad. used to introduce the result of the action or situation mentioned
A. sensitive
B. thereby
C. sustain
D. solemn
n. the social or professional position of sb. /sth.in relation to others;
A. stadium
B. status
C. stripe
D. sorrow
a. having a taste like that of a lemon or of fruit that is not ready to eat; (especially of milk) having an unpleasant taste or smell because it is not fresh
A. steep
B. shallow
C. sour
D. stare