Which organizations can post to the same set of books?()
A. those organizations that share the same functional currency, calendar and accounting flexfield structure
B. those organizations that share the same currency but do not share the same calendar and accounting flexfield structure
C. those organizations that share the same accounting flexfield structure but do not share the same calendar and functional currency
D. those organizations that share the same calendar but do not share the same functional currency and accounting flexfield structure
A. 对于违反治安管理的嫌疑人可以分情况进行口头传唤、书面传唤和强制传唤
B. 询问的地点可以是违法嫌疑人的住处,也可以将违法嫌疑人传唤到其所在市、县内的指定地点进行
C. 传唤证必须由县级人民政府公安机关负责人审批
D. 公安机关应当及时将传唤的原因和处所通知嫌疑人家属