A. 中年到老年
B. 3岁到13、14岁
C. 青春期到成年
D. 8个月到3岁
A. 温度
B. 表面导热系数
C. 温度差
D. 介质流速
A. 诱发或加重感染
B. 诱发或加重消化道溃疡
C. 医源性肾上腺皮质功能亢进症
D. 诱发精神病或癫痫
E. 胎儿畸形
There is more than one way to set the server to detect and affect long running operations automatically. What is the best choice of you want to reduce the impact of long running operations on other users without aborting the long running operations?()
A. Define user profiles and set the CPU_PER_CALL limit.
B. Define a SWITCH_TIME for a plan in the Resource Manager.
Create a batch job that checks V$SESSION_LONGOPS;the batch job alters the session priority of the long running operations.
D. Create a user defined event in the Oracle Enterprise Manager, which monitors V$SESSION_LONGOP