A. 士
B. 工
C. 农
D. 商
A. 生命体征
B. 自发性出血情况
C. 白细胞计数
D. 患儿的心理变化
E. 出入量
患者女性,26岁。于2000年4月20日因“出血性休克、宫外孕”急诊手术。入手术室时,神志清,T37.2℃,P92次/分,BP100/60mmHg,硬膜外麻醉成功后,突然出现意识丧失,面色苍白,口唇四肢末梢严重发绀,脉搏、心音、血压均测不出,血氧饱和度迅速下降至20%。 对上题患者的诊断依据是()。
A. 意识丧失、脉搏、心音、血压均测不出
B. 面色苍白
C. 口唇四肢末梢严重发绀
D. 血氧饱和度迅速下降至20%
E. 意识丧失
The warning and critical threshold values have been set to 85% and 97%, respectively, for one of the tablespaces. The current tablespace space usage is 54%. You modify the warning threshold to be 50% and critical threshold to be 53% in Database Control. Which statement is true?()
A. The new setting would be applied but no alerts would be raised immediately.
B. The new setting would be applied and an alert would be raised immediately.
C. The new setting would be ignored because the tablespace space usage is more than the specified threshold value.
D. The new setting would cause an error because the tablespace space usage is more than the specified threshold value.