

A. 雌激素增多
B. 肾上腺皮质功能减损
C. 继发性醛固酮增多
D. 抗利尿激素增多


男,40岁,因反复乏力、腹胀、少尿2年,加重伴发热3天就诊。体查:T38.5℃,巩膜黄染,肝掌,腹膨隆,移动性浊音(+)。既往有乙型病毒性肝炎史20余年。腹部B超见肝略缩小,结节状,脾大,大量腹水,门静脉增宽。腹水检查:淡黄色,稍浑浊,白细胞1.5×109/L,中性90%。 最可能的诊断是乙型肝炎肝硬化并发

A. 自发性腹膜炎
B. 结核性腹膜炎
C. 癌性腹水
D. 肠系膜下静脉阻塞


A. 肝性脑病
B. 上消化道出血
C. 肝肾综合征
D. 肝肺综合征


A. 剂量不宜过大
B. 可导致低钾血症
C. 可导致高钾血症
D. 以体重每天减轻lkg为宜

The Larsen B ice shelf covered more than 3,000 square kilometers and was 1 meters thick until its northern part 2 in the 1990s. Three years ago, the central part also broke up. An international team of researchers used data collected from six 3 near the former ice shelf to show the shelf had been 4 for at least 5 years or since the last ice age. The 6 therefore goes beyond what would be expected naturally at the time. Rather, the 7 is likely the result of 8 due to melting from underneath, as well as short-term 9 from global climate change, the researchers suggest. Then in five years, the shelf shrunk by 10 square kilometers, say scientists who found the break up caused changes in 11 in the area. "As the ice shelves are disintegrating, the 12 that are feeding them from the land are 13 ," said Robert Gilbert, a 14 at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ont. Glaciers are no longer being held back from the ice shelf, and are pushing 15 into the sea, said Gilbert, one of the co-authors of the study in 16 of the Journal Nature. As the glaciers melt, global sea levels could change more than 17 , he said. Flooding could result in 18 . Scientists are now watching to see if the 19 of the Larsen ice shelf, the coldest part of 20 , is going to break up.
