
Pisa is an Italian city known for its Leaning Tower.The Tower, interestingly enough, started leaning in the middle of its construction — when its first three stories were completed. Bonnano Pisano, the engineer in charge, tried to correct the lean by making the new stories slightly taller on the short side, only to find that the added marble caused the Tower to sink still further. Work was suspended several times as engineers sought fresh solutions, until the Tower was finished in the 14th century, still leaning. The construction, begun in 1174, nearly took 200 years.In modern times the structure has been several times strengthened by cement, but to this day it is still in danger of collapse. Various schemes have been under consideration for saving, it. To rebuild an upright tower would be easy enough for modern engineering, but it would not be the same edifice as people love and remember it. The Leaning Tower must be left leaning, saved, not reconstructed. There is nothing really wrong with a leaning tower — after all, Galileo climbed to the top and did his experiment by throwing down weights. In the meantime, the Tower has been closed to the public since 1990. What is NOT true about the Leaning Tower()

A. It makes its city Pisa well-known.
B. Its construction took nearly 200 years.
C. Many measures have been taken to correct the lean.
D. If you go to Pisa now, you can go and visit the Leaning Tower.


Many people set themselves a limit of money each time they gamble because ______.

A. they cannot afford more
B. they do not want to lose more
C. they do not think more will do
D. they want to save more money for gambling later on

2011年7月,某小区刘某与杨某因争抢停车位而争吵,刘某对杨某破口大骂,并随手将手机砸向杨某脸部,致杨某脸部红肿。围观群众报警,派出所民警迅速赶至现场将二人带回所内,并对二人进行了批评教育。两人冷静一段时间后,均表示愿意调解处理。于是民警让其回去自行协商达成调解协议,两人达成协议,刘某向杨某赔礼道歉,并支付杨某医疗费用200元,车位问题双方共同到物业公司寻求解决。但事后刘某觉得自己的手机在争吵中也被砸坏,却还要赔杨某医疗费,实在咽不下这口气,便拒绝履行调解协议。杨某再三催促,刘某宣称他是不会赔偿的,派出所已经处理过了,无权再管了。 请问: 该事件是否属于治安案件调解的法定范围说明理由。

Most people talk about the "five" senses of man. And it is true that we get our information about the outside world from our senses of sight, heating, smell, touch and taste. Researchers tell us that sense of sight—our visual(视觉的) sense—gives us up to eighty percent of what we know about the world outside our bodies; while the other senses, the auditory (hearing), the olfactory (smell), the tactile (touch), and the gustatory (taste) bring into our brains information about the other 20% of what is happening. But there are two other senses that we cannot get along without it, though they are seldom noticed. These are the sense of balance, without which we would act like a drank man, and the kinesthetic (运动觉的)sense, which gives us our ideas about our own motion (行动). We know our own movements as a result of()

A. the sense of balance
B. the visual sense
C. the five senses
D. the kinesthetic sense

A公司为国有控股公司,适用的所得税税率为25%,预计在未来期间不会发生变化。 2008年1月1日首次执行新会计准则。2008年1月1日经董事会和股东大会批准,于2008年1月1日开始对有关会计政策和会计估计作如下变更: (1)管理用固定资产的预计使用年限由10年改为6年,折旧方法由年限平均法改为年数总和法。A公司管理用固定资产原每年折旧额为345万元(与税法规定相同),按6年及年数总和法,2008年计提的折旧额为525万元。变更日该管理用固定资产的计税基础与其账面价值相同。 (2)发出存货成本的计量由后进先出法改为全月一次加权平均法。A公司存货2008年年初账面余额为1200万元,未发生减值损失。 (3)用于生产产品的无形资产的摊销方法由年限平均法改为产量法。A公司生产用无形资产2008年年初“无形资产”账面余额为1000万元,“累计摊销”科目余额为300万元 (与税法规定相同),已经摊销3年,未发生减值;按产量法摊销,每年摊销200万元。 (4)开发费用的处理由直接计入当期损益改为有条件资本化。2008年发生符合资本化条件的开发费用700万元,本年摊销100万元(与税法规定相同)。税法规定,资本化的开发费用计税基础为其资本化金额的150%。 (5)对子公司投资的后续计量由权益法改为成本法。对子公司的投资2008年年初账面余额为4500万元,其中,成本为4000万元,损益调整为500万元,未发生减值。变更日该投资的计税基础为其成本4000万元。子公司的所得税税率为25%。 (6)对某栋以经营租赁方式租出办公楼的后续计量由成本模式改为公允价值模式。该楼2008年年初账面余额为2000万元,未发生减值,变更日的公允价值为2500万元。该办公楼在变更日的计税基础与其原账面余额相同。 (7)将全部短期投资重分类为交易性金融资产,其后续计量由成本与市价孰低改为公允价值。该短期投资2008年年初账面价值为560万元,公允价值为580万元。变更日该交易性金融资产的计税基础为560万元。 (8)所得税的会计处理由应付税款法改为资产负债表债务法。 (9)在合并财务报表中对合营企业的投资由比例合并改为权益法核算。 上述涉及会计政策变更的均采用追溯调整法,在存在追溯调整不切实可行的情况;A公司预计未来期间有足够的应纳税所得额用以利用可抵扣暂时性差异。 要求:根据上述资料,不考虑其他因素,回答下列第8至10题。 下列关于A公司就其会计政策和会计估计变更及后续的会计处理中,正确的有( )。

A. 将2008年度管理用固定资产增加的折旧180万元计入当年度损益
B. 生产用无形资产于变更日的计税基础为1000万元
C. 将2008年度生产用无形资产增加的100万元摊销额记入“制造费用”科目
D. 变更日对出租办公楼调增其账面价值500万元,并计入2008年度损益500万元
E. 变更日对交易性金融资产追溯调增其账面价值20万元,并调增期初留存收益15万元
