男,25岁,不慎摔倒,左肩部疼痛不敢活动来诊。体检:左肩部疼痛肿胀,活动受限,上臂外展位弹性固定,肩峰下空虚,Dugas征阳性。 首选的治疗方法是
A. Hippocrates法复位
B. 切开复位
C. 切开复位并关节囊重叠缝合术
D. 切开复位,肩胛下肌止点外移术以增强关节囊前壁
E. 以上说法都不对
What does the man think of the play
A. It is interesting.
B. It is not interesting.
C. It is good.
18岁男性,被狗咬伤注射狂犬病疫苗,8天后出现双下肢无力,伴小便困难,查体:第4胸椎以下深浅感觉消失,双下肢肌力Ⅳ级,膝踝反射亢进,双侧巴宾斯基征阳性。棘突椎旁无压痛。 为明确诊断最有价值的检查是
A. 脑脊液检查
B. 脊柱CT
C. 脊柱MRI
D. 脊柱X线片
E. 血清狂犬病毒抗体测定
治寒凝血瘀所致诸痛以及阴疽脓成不溃或久溃不敛,最宜选用的药物是( )
A. 附子
B. 干姜
C. 肉桂
D. 吴茱萸
E. 高良姜
As any business owner knows, it’’s not easy to keep going when the going gets tough. Read the following five successful businessmen’’s accounts of what motivates them to move on and leads them to success. For questions 61 to 65, match the name of each person (61 to 65) to one of the statements (A to G) given below. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. Kenneth Cole I take pride that our company is one of the leading leather goods manufacturers in the world. We study the consumers’’ needs carefully and appeal to them in various ways — through wholesale, retail, footwear, leather goods and other related accessories. For me, the ability to relate to the consumer through all these vehicles is very inspiring, and doing business around the world makes it even more exciting. Anita Roddick Every time I walk by one of my shops and see what an educational role my company plays in a community, it sends chills down my spine. What we do brilliantly is using our facilities in the street and shopping malls to talk about real human issues like AIDS, recycling and community service or to encourage people to speak out against anything they perceive to be unjust. The pride that our shops bring to the staff and local residents motivates me. Sheri Poe Since I started this company seven years ago, I always dreamt of what it would be some day. Focusing on that vision helps me get through the tough times and find it great fun to meet all the challenges. Also, I think it’’s really important that the people you’’re working with are as committed to the same vision as you are, so you can support each other and keep each other motivated. Frank Token One of the nicest things anyone ever said to me was, "I hate makeup, but I love your company. " That’’s what motivates me. Even people who don’’t wear makeup may like our company and our ways of doing business. We work from an inverted pyramid, where the customers are always at the top. They give me the energy to move on. If I had stayed in this business just for the money, I would have de-motivated and closed down years ago. Jerry Greenfield I’’m inspired by doing things that are not normal and that most people think don’’t make sense. Once I’’m struck with a brilliant idea, I’’ll stick to it and work hard until the dream becomes true. In short, creating something from nothing; discovering innovative ways of doing things give me much pleasure. I’’m also inspired by the people I work with. I’’m very relationship driven, which is different from most entrepreneurs.Now match the name of each person (61 to 65) to the appropriate statement.Note: there are two extra statements.Statements[A] We try to satisfy different needs of the consumers. [B] We have a highly efficient team of market researchers.[C] Originality and cooperation with others help me move on.[D] Our shops’’ strong sense of social responsibility really motivates me.[E] Our customers inspire and motivate me more than anything else.[F] I pursue a goal with determination and dedication.[G] We persist in developing new products.
A. Kenneth Cole