
阅读下列材料: 中国的革命正是由这样两种梦想推动着:一是爱国主义者想看到一个新中国傲立于世界民族之林;二是提高处于社会底层的农民的地位,消除古代旧有的阶级贵贱的社会差别。 ——据费正清《观察中国》 回答: 为实现“傲立于世界民族之林”这一梦想,中国近代各阶级作出了哪些努力



"Cool" is a word with many meanings. Its traditional meaning is used to (36) a temperature that is fairly cool. As the world has (37) , the word has expanded to (38) many different meanings. "Cool" can be used to express feelings of (39) in almost anything. When you see a brand-name car in the street, maybe you can’t help (40) , "It’s cool." You might think, "He’s so cool," when you see your (41) footballer. We all enlarge the meaning of "cool". You can use it (42) many words such as "new" or "amazing." Here’s an interesting story (43) illustrate the usage of the word: A teacher asked her students to (44) the waterfall they had visited. On one student’s paper was just the one (45) , "It’s so cool." (46) he thought it was (47) to describe (48) he saw and felt. (49) the story also proves the shortage of words and expressions. (50) "cool," some people have no words to express the same meaning. So it is (51) to improve our word strength to maintain some (52) . As a popular word, "cool" stands for a kind of special (53) that people can accept easily. Except "cool", can you think of many words that (54) your life as colorful I can. And I think they are also very (55) .

A. turn out
B. take on
C. take in
D. come into

Thousands of years ago man used handy rocks for his surgical operations. Later he used sharp bone or horn, metal knives and more recently, rubber and plastic. In the 1960s a new tool was developed, one which was, first of all, to be of great practical use to the armed forces and industry, but which was also to revolutionize the art and science of surgery. The tool is the laser and it is being used by more and more surgeons all over the world. As we all know, light is hot, and any source of light will give warmth. But light is usually spread out over a wide area. The light in a laser beam, however, is concentrated. This means that a light with no more power than that produced by an ordinary electric light bulb becomes intensely strong as it is concentrated to a pinpoint-sized beam. Experiments with these pinpoint beams showed researchers that different energy sources produce beams that have a particular effect on certain living cells. It is now possible for eye surgeons to operate on the back of human eye without harming the front of the eye, simply by passing a laser beam right through the eye-ball. Operations which once left patients exhausted and in need of long period of recovery time now leave them feeling relaxed and comfortable. The rapid development of laser techniques in the past ten years has made it clear that the future is likely to be very exciting. Perhaps some cancers will be treated with laser in a way that makes surgery not only safer but also more effective. Which of the following would be appropriate to describe the instruments of surgical operations up until 1960s

A. Traditional.
B. Complicated.
C. Remarkable.
D. Revolutionary.

A3型题女,28岁,诉妊娠4+月,昨搬重物后,腰酸,下坠感,今上午下腹始有阵痛,持续加重,半小时前阴道有流液,量较多,湿透内裤,急诊来院。 最可能的诊断是()

A. 先兆流产
B. 难免流产
C. 不全流产
D. 完全流产
E. 习惯性流产
