Mothers-to-be(准妈妈) are potential users who will turn into heavy users of infant products and services. By targeting mothers-to-be as future heavy users, producers of these products and services are segmenting consumers on the basis of ________.
A. attitude
B. buyer-readiness stage
C. loyalty status
D. user status
E. benefits
期末分配制造费用8600元,其中:A产品负担5000元,B产品负担3600元,编制会计分录为( )。
A. 借:生产成本—A产品5000—B产品3600贷:库存商品8600
B. 借:制造成本—A产品5000—B产品3600贷:库存商品8600
C. 借:生产成本—A产品5000—B产品3600贷:制造费用8600
D. 借:制造费用8600贷:生产成本—A产品5000—B产品3600
If a buyer is loyal to two or three different brands of soap, this buyer's loyalty status can be described as being among the ________.
A. switchers
B. shifting loyals
C. split loyals
D. hard-core loyals
E. antiloyals
Pete always buys Purina dog food for his dog because he believes that it is the best value for the nutritional content. Pete's loyalty status is best described as ________.
A. split loyal
B. shifting loyal
C. consistent loyal
D. hard-core loyal
E. switcher
企业月末计提本月车间使用的机器设备等固定资产的折旧费8000元,下列分录不正确的有( ) 。
A. 借:生产成本8000 贷:累计折旧8000
B. 借:制造费用8000 贷:累计折旧8000
C. 借:管理费用8000贷:累计折旧8000
D. 借:制造费用8000 贷:固定资产8000