A. crossness
B. impatience
C. prejudice
D. petulance
Theroomwastastefullydecorated,andoutsidethepremiseshungabeautifulfestoon containingasuitablemotto.
A. garland
B. ornament
C. lace
D. trimming
Otherpupilsprovokepeersandareconfrontationaloropenlydefiantandsometimes physically aggressivetowardadults.
A. disobedient
B. manipulative
C. turbulent
D. challenging
John,oneofourbestfrinds,hadtoomanyurgentandresingmattersonhandtogo picnickingwithus,makingusverydisappointed.
A. assistinginanaction
B. outofhand
C. at hand
D. needing to be dealt with
New security issue arise when the user may not be trusted, or the user and the owner of the host computer are mutually suspicious.
A. dubious
B. shifty
C. susceptible
D. reprobative