
7.Why did she open her purse hastily on another date?

A. She didn't want to make him embarrassed.
B. She didn't want to give him a hint that she was romantically interested in him.
C. He didn't bring enough money to pay for the dinner.
D. She was willing to pay for the first date.


8.What does the text want to say?

A. Females should take the initiative to date someone they like.
B. It's beneficial to date someone at college.
C. Dating nowadays is no longer following the traditional dating patterns.
D. Female students should be more romantic.


A. △K=0
B. Y=F(k,l)=f(k)
C. I(投资)=sy
D. △I(新增投资)=0

根据新古典经济增长模型,一个国家最终将( )

A. 以一个不断增长的比率增长
B. 实现经济长期稳定增长
C. 耗光自然资料难以维持生存
D. 造成严重的污染使其人民难以生存


A. 指人均资本的增加,即为每一个人配备更多的资本装备
B. 引进体现技术变革的新的资本品
C. 资本的数量和生产率都发生了变化,使资本所有者在总产出中拥有的份额增加
D. 资本生产率提高,使总的资本存量减少了,或至少没有增加
