

A. {
B. a=b;
C. b=a;
D. }
E. B.{
F. b = a * b;
G. a = b / a;
H. b = b / a;
I. }
J. C.{
K. t=a;
L. a=b;
M. b=t;
N. }
O. D.{
P. a = a + b;
Q. b = a – b;
R. a = a – b;
S. }


int main()
int a,b;
printf(“please input a and b:”);
printf(“the output data is %d”,a7<回车>则程序输出为程序代码如下:#include
int main()
int a,b;
printf(“please input a and b:”);
printf(“the output data is %d”,a7<回车>则程序输出为

A. the output data is 7
B. the output data is 2
C. the output data is 1
D. the output data is 0

BookStore数据库中有订单表Order(OrderCode, CustomerCode, TotalPrice, Address, OrderTime, OrderStatus)查询订单总价(TotalPrice)在100到200元之间的订单信息。SQL语句:SELECT OrderCode, TotalPrice, OrderTime, OrderStatus FROM [Order]WH

A. TotalPrice BETWEEN 100 AND 200
B. TotalPrice NOT BETWEEN 100 AND 200
C. 100 <=TotalPrice<=200
D. TotalPrice>=100 And TotalPrice<=200

BookStore数据库中有出版社表Publisher(PublisherCode, Publisher, Telephone)在某SQL语句中,WHERE PublisherCode IN (’21’, ’31’)子句等价于__()

A. PublisherCode= ’21’ AND PublisherCode=’31’
B. PublisherCode= ’21’ OR PublisherCode=’31’
C. PublisherCode<=’31’ AND PublisherCode>=’21’
D. PublisherCode<’31’ AND PublisherCode>’21’

下面哪个方法可以作为public void example(int m ){
}的重载方法()下面哪个方法可以作为public void example(int m ){

A. public void example(float m){…}
B. public void example(int x){…}
C. public void example2(){…}
D. public int example(){…}
