Leonardo da Vinci lived in a time of cultural transition known as the Renaissance, an era of philosophical, scientific and religious “rebirth,” where the masses no longer accepted beliefs at face value and questioned the reasoning behind give theories.
A. which was known as, and it was an era
B. what was known as, and it was an era
C. where was known as, but that was an era
D. that was known as, but that was an era
Guernica is a two-dimensional work that exhibits simple geometric and abstract images that are severely fragmented, distorted and disjointed throughout the painting.
A. exhibited, what
B. exhibited, which
C. exhibiting, what
D. exhibiting, which
At the start of the 20th century, the new art medium of “moving pictures” was unveiled, but it remained a debatable topic until Walt Disney synchronized motion picture with sound, color, animated character and fluid motor skills.
A. appeared, made motion picture, sound, color, animated character and fluid motor skills happen at the same time.
B. discovered, combined motion picture with sound, color, animated character and fluid motor skills
C. iterated, made motion picture, sound, color, animated character and fluid motor skills happen at the same time.
D. resigned, combined motion picture with sound, color, animated character and fluid motor skills