Listen to the tape and decide whether (A) or (B) should be the one you hear.Be careful with that ______.
A. yellow JACKET(= yellow article of clothing)
B. YELLOW Jacket (= yellow and black insect that stings)
Listen to the tape and decide whether (A) or (B) should be the one you hear.Look at the ______.
A. red COAT(=red article of clothing)
B. RED coat (=a British soldier in the 18th and 19th centuries)
Listen to the tape and decide whether (A) or (B) should be the one you hear.I've always wanted a ______.
A. green HOUSE(=house painted green)
B. GREENHOUSE(=glass house for growing plants)
Listen to the tape and decide whether (A) or (B) should be the one you hear.My father is a successful ______.
A. head DOCTOR ( =chief of staff)
B. HEAD doctor (=psychiatrist)
Listen to the tape and decide whether (A) or (B) should be the one you hear.She is always using _____.
A. cold CREAM (= well-chilled cream)
B. COLD cream (= face cream)