A. grantselect,updateontableSCtouser1;
B. grantselect,updateontableSC.gradetouser1;
C. grantselect,update(grade)ontableSCtouser1;
D. grantselectontableSC,update(grade)ontableSCtouser1;
A. grant update ontableS,SCtouser1;
B. grant alter table ontableS,SCtouser1;
C. grant alter tableS, alter table SCtouser1;
D. grant update tableS, update table SCtouser1;
A. grant all privileges ontableS,SCtouser2 with grant option;
B. grant all privileges ontableS,SCtouser2 with admin option;
C. grant select,delete,update,insert ontableS,SCtouser2 with admin option;
D. grant all operations ontableS,SCtouser2 with grant option;
A. grant all select, all update ontableSCto role_instructor;
B. grantselect,update on all tableSCto role_instructor;
C. grantselect,update ontableSCto role_instructor;
D. grantselect,update ontableSCto role role_instructor;
A. grant role role_instructor to user instructor1 with admin option;
B. grant role role_instructor to user instructor1 with grant option;
C. grant role_instructor to instructor1 with admin option;
D. grant role_instructor to instructor1 with grant option;